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Columbia Buga Set with Omni-Heat

Київ | Добавлено: 22 вересня 2017, номер: 4060

Columbia Buga Set with Omni-Heat, 2 600 грн.

Київ | 22 вересня 2017, Ирина, номер: 4060, просмотры: 566
  • Стан: Нове 
  • Розмір: 116 
Фото 2 6/7т 2600 в наличии
Columbia Buga Set with Omni-Heat
ЦЕНА от 2600 до 2990
цены могут быть выше,ниже....в зависимости от скидок и курса доллара
Если под заказ , то предоплата 200грн, ждать 14-21 день
Описание модели Columbia buga set:
ткань плотнее
утеплителя 150 г
Оmni-Tech Fabric
в полукомбинезоне система Omni-Heat Thermal Reflective,которая на 20% удерживает тепло
1.Модели Columbia Double Flake Reversible Set с двухсторонней курточкой и утеплителя 170 г. Технология Omni-Shield ,Waterproof fabric
2.По этой модели Columbia Frosty Slope Set , на некоторых сайтах пишут, что утеплителя 100 грамм, а на других 150 г. Технология Omni-Shield ,Waterproof fabric
3.Модели Columbia buga set with omni-heat, утеплителя 150г, за счет omni-heat в полукомбинезоне удерживается тепла на 20% больше
Технология Оmni-Tech ,Waterproof fabric
The Columbia Buga Set is a very high spec unisex 2 piece ski and/or cold weather set for toddlers. A very popular product for several seasons now, this latest version uses Columbia's Omni-Heat thermal reflective technology in the bib upper body area for additional core body warmth without adding bulk. It also retains the Columbia Omni-Tech waterproof technology, together with critical seam sealing, to give excellent waterproof/breathable properties. An great value 2 piece suit for winter sports or just keeping warm and dry through the worst of the winter. The salopette zip is a central upper body zip, and also has the Columbia Outgrown system to enable to length to be increased by an inch by un-picking a pre-stitched seam.
Manufacturer's Comments on this Product:
The attached hood is adjustable, so you can dial in the fit to make it more comfortable and ensure it doesn’t come down over his/her eyes. The jacket is lined with soft taffeta and filled with 150g of insulation to provide superior warmth in all conditions. We even put an extra soft piece of fabric at the neck for increased comfort. A special interior tab provides a handy place for writing name and phone number. Bibs feature soft fleece on the top with easy-to-use, adjustable hook and loop closures for dialing in fit. Internal leg gaiters pull down snug over boots and the pants features a special grow cuff, so when he adds a few inches, letting the hem down to get an extra inch of length is a cinch.
Fabric (Jacket): Shell: 100% nylon Legacy twill. Lining: 100% nylon 210T taffeta. Insulation: 100% polyester Microtemp 150g.
Fabric (Bib): Shell: 100% nylon Legacy twill, 100% polyester fleece (chest area). Lining: 100% nylon 210T taffeta. Insulation: 100% polyester Microtemp XF II 100g.
Omni-Heat thermal reflective insulation in bib upper body
Omni-Tech waterprrof/breathable critically seam sealed
Waterproof fabric
Chest pocket
Adjustable storm hood
Internal Leg gaitor
Grow cuff
Reinforced cuff guards
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