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Сталева заготовка квадратного перетину

Луцк | Добавлено: 15 апреля 2020, номер: 146790

Сталева заготовка квадратного перетину, 550$

Луцк | 15 апреля 2020, UKREXPORT LTD, номер: 146790, просмотры: 114
    UKREXPORT LTD represents producers of Square Steel Billets in Ukraine and in neighboring countries if they ship via Ukraine. Steel Billet is not a finished steel product nor a raw steel in pure form -- but it’s a freshly made steel in form of a metal bar, particularly square bar (or else round or rectangular). Steel Billets are considered fresh and raw, they must undergo a series of manufacturing processes to be transformed into more functional shapes and sizes to be used for various ultimate purposes. It is intermediate or semi-finished Steel and as such it is only being purchased and used by steel factories for further rolling/re-rolling or other purposes in course of manufacturing finished products from it. Such as square steel bars, deformed steel bars, straight rods, wire rods, etc. Thus official sale and export policy for Steel Billets admits only steel factories as customers and prohibits selling to non-specialized intermediaries or for trading/stocking purposes.
    Square Steel Billets are distinguished of 2 types, by making technology:
    -- Hot-Rolled Square Billets, variable sizes (cross-sections) from 60x60mm and up to 170x170mm; length also varies from 1.5m to 12m; regulated originally by GOST/DSTU 4693-77, TU 14-1-4492-88 and TU U 14-2-1253-2000;
    -- Continuously-Cast Square Billets, fixed sizes (cross-sections) 100x100mm, 120x120mm, 125x125mm, 135x135mm, 150x150mm, 200x200mm, 250x250mm, 300x300mm; length either 6m or 12m; regulated modernly by GOST 380-2005 (DSTU 2651), TU 14-1-4268-87 and TU U 14-2-1222-98.
    These Billets are rarely delivered in 20ft/40ft containers but commonly as bulk cargos in bundles per 5mt suitable for most bulk carriers (bulk cargo vessels). That’s why minimal order quantity is 5,000mt. Once again, the above freshly made Square Billets are not technologically finished Square Bars as per GOST 2591-88 for example, ranging from 6mm to 200mm in cross-section and from 1.5m to 12m in length at customers’ discretion. The latter is finished product and can be ordered starting from 1,000mt in trading. Whereas the former is literally raw material and, as such, is sold in commercial bulk quantities starting from 5,000mt to qualify both for minimal single and minimal part vessel transportations on its way to re-processing.
    Please note, any original production of Square Steel Billets is factory approvable but not publicly accessible process. True inquiry for particular production/offer/price has to show authentic information: 1) who (what company) is buyer/importer/consignee; 2) where (what bank) his payment is to come from; 3) how (in copies of docs) he bought/imported/consumed Steel Billets last time, to prove 1) and 2). Visit Ukrexport(dot)Ltd.
    As provided by National Classifier of Ukraine DK 009:2010
    "Classification of Types of Economic Activity" (KVED):
    *71130 Domestic trade to commercial organizations;
    72200 International trade to commercial organizations;
    *51.70.0 Other wholesale trade.
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